At the age of 13, Anton Uhl began drawing cartoons in earnest and was published in the local newspaper, The Aspen Times. 36 years later, his pencil has found no rest.

At age 18 he was the head of the scenic department of the Juilliard Theater at Lincoln Center in New York. This lead to a career of set design for opera in the US, Canada and Europe. Moving to Hollywood, he continues his work in film and TV. Many expensive homes also enjoy his original trompe l'oeil murals and unique paintings, sculpture and glass-work.

However, through it all, his one enduring love continues to keep his "#2 Ticonderogas and cheap white paper" dogging his friends, family and clients with relentless persistence. This is just a sampling of some of his work.

"It's just when you try to be funny I have a hard time laughing."

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